The first balloon flew into the sky more than 200 years ago, which balloon was created by two brothers, who have engaged in paper production. In a very short period of time, balloons caught the Europeans interest. The passion and love towards the balloons grew fastly until it reached the 43rd festival, which will take place on January 22-30, 2022, at Château-d’Oex, Switzerland. Important to mention that this location was not selected by chance as in 1999 for the first time Breitling Orbiter from Château-d’Oex was piloted by the Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones set of the tour of the world in a hot air balloon.
This time on 28 January 2022 Night Glow event also will take place. From different countries, more than 70 balloons will climb into the sky. This festival is not just about rising balloons in the sky. Every year during this festival there are very interesting events. One of them is the Balloon Glow event. The lights of the balloons competently illuminated the sky, if you see it, you will think that it is only for beauty and fun, but there is a great ideal. First time in 1979 on Christmas Eve pilots inflated balloons as a thank you to the people. The other one is Special Shape Rodeo, this event started in 1989, and only 28 took part in the event, and now its most popular event during this festival.
This festival is also displayed on Tv, however, watching it lively has its own enjoyable taste by coming a part of this festival. Reaching the Swiss balloon festival is guaranteed easily through AlpTransfer's private transfer to Château-d’Oex either from Zurich, Geneva, Bern, or any other Swiss city. You are welcome to contact us, and our team will gladly assist you.